Checking...Checking...Open Source Projectsby Andrii Gubanov

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Projects related to Vovk.ts

Transforms Next.js into a powerful and extensible REST API platform. Made with TypeScript, inspired by NestJS.
HighlightedBrowserCLI ToolNodeJSBuild Tool
Isomorphic Zod validation for Vovk.ts controllers on server and client. vovk-zod exports vovkZod decorator fabric that validates request body and incoming query string with Zod models.
The official website of Vovk with interactive examples.
A collection of Vovk examples demonstrating various use cases.
A simple example of how to use Vovk with React Native.
The official documentation of Vovk.


Random projects

This page! Designed by Alex Kolodko. The deployment to Github Pages is made using another project I've developed deploy-to-git.
The one "keep it stupid simple" React hook for application state. Dramatically decreases amounts of code of React data store!
Another experimental React state library to try alternative syntax for React hooks.
Fast and simple one-file zero-dependency library of one single-argument function that converts Tailwind classes with default configuration to CSS style objects. Perfect for email libraries based on React.
The tool exports text dumps (via mongoexport) of given MongoDB database to given Git repository and restores them back (via mongoimport).
CLI ToolNodeJS
This tool allows to embed code from Github on a webpage (originally you could embed Github Gists only).
A function for elements selections (in other words a tiny jQuery alternative) in less than ¼ of a kilobyte.
The tool makes possible to automatically or manually deploy build artifacts to a Git repository. The tool works great with semantic-release and any CI service.
HighlightedCLI ToolNodeJSDeployment Tool
The tool allows to run server-side JavaScript files via NodeJS as easily as PHP files via Apache (like index.php but index.srv.js instead). Express.js is used as a core.
HighlightedCLI ToolNodeJS
Refreshes NodeJS module object when its file is modified. The function is originally created for node-direct.
A plugin for semantic-release. It's made for projects which must not be published at NPM (any private project). Instead, it uses Git tags for versioning.
NodeJSDeployment Tool
The plugin transforms ECMAScript 2015 modules into compact AMD form.
Build Tool
The plugin transforms ECMAScript 2015 modules into compact CommonJS form.
Build Tool
The plugin transforms object spread syntax into fast "for" loops.
Build Tool
A plugin for ESLint which contains a single rule. It warns about used "warning" comments and shows them as they are.
Quite experimental plugin for Babel. It converts function calls (like nofn.forEach) into fast "for" loops.
Build Tool
A Webpack loader which allows to generate static CSS code via JavaScript.
Build Tool
A straightforward definition of multi-threaded functions for NodeJS and browser.
Check imports in JS files and update package.json dependencies automatically.
HighlightedCLI Tool
The plugin is a fork of babel-plugin-jsx-base-component made by Yurii Khmelvskii. Originally it was forked to add support for Babel 7.
Build Tool


Altamoon is a libre desktop & web app made by professional traders, designed for fast and precise trading.

A trading interface for Binance Perpetual Futures.
Altamoon plugin that imitates human behavior to close Binance future positions.
An embeddable online tool that allows to track all the Binance Perpetual Futures markets on one page.


Seemple.js (formerly called Matreshka.js) is a reactive framework developed by me. It's inspired by Backbone (if you remember what Backbone is) and follows reactive principles. Today it's not widely used but it still can be a good starting point for JavaScript juniors. The project is archived.

A simple JavaScript framework for single page applications creation. It fills the gap between a junior and a senior because of simple and intuitive API based on JavaScript classes and accessors.
A router library for Seemple.js. The library turns on two-way data binding between object properties and parts of an URL.
A website with detailed three-lingual documentation for Seemple.js. It's built automatically via custom Webpack plugin script from JSDoc files.
The function binds named HTML form fields (input, select, textarea etc) contained at given HTML form to corresponding object properties.
The repository contains all the main tutorials and some example applications (Contact List, Markdown Editor, Tree View, SoundCloud player, TodoMVC).


This is a hard-fork of Seemple.js where all framework-ish features were removed. The project is archived.

A bunch of utilities that enable accessor-based reactivity for JavaScript objects. That's the library I really recommend to try!
A router library for defi.js (hard-forked from Seemple.js). The library turns on two-way data binding between object properties and parts of an URL.
A super simple React state management library powered by defi.
Full documentation for defi.js. It's built automatically via custom Webpack plugin script from JSDoc files.
This preset of binder creators (think of it as of defi plugin) defines two-way data binding rules for common use (HTML binding, attribute binding, etc).
This binder creator returns a binder which initializes and binds CodeMirror instance created with fromTextArea function to a property.
A set of three binder creators for easy file read and drag'n'drop.


Projects created for Circlecell company (not a member anymore).

Rewritten from scratch validator and reformatter for JSON, a lightweight data-interchange format.
JSCompress is an online JavaScript compressor. This is the second version of the tool which is modular, has more features (eg drag'n'drop) and works 100% on client-side.
An advanced JSON linter built totally based on community feedback. It includes simple API which allows to store filled up JSON at Amazon S3 for sharing.
Mobile-friendly tool offers a variety of randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service or device.
DNS Lookup is an online tool that will find the IP address and perform a deep DNS lookup of any URL, providing in-depth details on common record types, like A, MX, NS, SOA, and TXT.